
Just like most other countries in the world, the industry of electronics has a massive impact on the general economy in Tunisia. According to the Agency for the Promotion of Industry, there were 347 electrical firms in 2008 and this has reportedly grown since the last statistics check. The fact that 217 of these companies deal with exporting shows just how big the electronics business is in Tunisia as well.

The electronics industry also makes several boasts about its employment statistics. For example, the 2008 statistics indicated that over 65,100 people were employed in the field – which made up an incredible 13% of the total manufacturing jobs. The electronics industry has also experienced year-on-year growth which resulted in it achieving a production value of 4,541 million Tunisian dinars in 2008. With clients mainly coming from the likes of Germany and France, it is clear that there is plenty of money to be made in the electronics field and it should at least be considered for investment.


As you would expect from a country that has already forged a fantastic reputation in the electronics field, Tunisia boasts several facts that make it a very desirable place for electronics companies:

·         Tunisia is blessed with many major companies that supply electrical components, with Bosch, General Electric and Philips being just several of the big-name manufacturers. This means it is easy to produce high-quality items through other firms in the country

·         Production costs in Tunisia are renowned to be low, meaning new companies are blessed with low expenditure in relation to labour from the start

·         With so many electronics companies already based in the country, Tunisians have a good knowledge of the industry and this benefits new companies immensely

·         The nation has over 65,000 graduates seeking positions every year and with many of these possessing scientific or engineering backgrounds, electronic firms can be benefited very well

The fields within the electronics industry

In total, there are three major segments of the electronics industry:

·         Electrical products

·         Electronic products

·         Household appliances

In regards to the above, electrical products is unquestionably the most competitive with 211 companies being based in this segment of the industry. Household appliance firms are much scarcer, with just 41 being recorded in 2008. Meanwhile, electrical equipment is undoubtedly the type of item that most companies focus on, with this making up 56% of the manufacturing in the electrics and electronics industry. Next in the list is electronic equipment, with this associated figure being 35%.